About Us

International Business Times is a modern digital business publication, with its main edition in the United States, as well as 4 other local editions published independently in 4 countries.
IBT's mission is to seek out the truth and to promote freedom. Its editorial coverage focuses on the drivers behind the transformation of the global economy.

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Editorial standards

Editorial standards are at the core of IBT's business philosophy. IBT is committed to treating its readers fairly and giving them the best possible information on the news we cover – or the best we can learn about it, with our reporters and editors performing a high level of due diligence on the credibility of our sources. The same due diligence is applied when reporting on news that originate on social media.

We are also upfront with our readers about what we do not know when reporting a piece of news.

We believe in providing the opportunity for full and fair comment for all parties involved in an article, and having a neutral tone in our published work. There is no agenda for us, other than an unwavering commitment to truth, and freedom.

We strictly avoid violent, gruesome or gory content, and content designed to shock or disgust the audience. We also avoid stories that promote conspiracy theories, vaccine denial, drug use and unethical or illegal activities including such financial activities.

At IBT, we understand that safeguarding individual rights may, at times, clash with the public's right to information. Consequently, we face the challenge of making tough and often time-sensitive decisions that cannot always be perfect. But our editorial processes ensure that the learnings from those mistakes, whether our own or those of other parts of the media industry, are cascaded across our various newsrooms to give our editorial staff the best opportunity to learn from. The editorial leadership, where deemed necessary, makes changes to internal processes to avoid such incidents.

Corrections policy

When we make mistakes, it is our policy to correct our errors, large and small, as soon as we become aware of them – in text, picture captions and videos. We will note the corrections clearly on the story by adding a trash line and a time stamp.

International Business Times takes complaints about editorial content seriously. If you believe a story we have published is inaccurate, please contact the editorial team. You can:

Email: corrections@ibtimes.com
Write to: Corrections, International Business Times, 33 Whitehall St, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10004

Masthead & Ownership

Editorial Leadership

Managing Editor: Merin Thomas
Homepage editors: Terry Massey
Editorial Operations Director: Unnikrishnan Nair
International Managing Editor: Bianca Tan
Associate Editor: Parul Soni
Copy Editors: Arathi Mini, Roemina Deocareza, Megha Laxman, Camille Terrania, Luigi Caler, Amesheil Perez
International Sports Editor: Nissi Icasiano

Executive Team

Chief Executive Officer: Etienne Uzac
VP, Technology: Titus Choi
VP, Sales: Jewel Girard
VP, Advertising Operations: Helio Pereira

IBT's global newsroom has staff members across the United States, the United Kingdom and in several other countries.

International Business Times is published by IBTimes LLC, a subsidiary of IBT Media Inc. and registered at 33 Whitehall St, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10004. Further information about IBT Media Inc. can be found here.